Avicel® CE-15
Microcrystalline Cellulose and Guar Gum
The superior organoleptic performance of Avicel CE-15 in chewable tablets results in dramatic differences for end users, primarily in the areas of overall sensory experience and perceived taste, when compared to other tablet binders. When using Avicel CE-15, the user experiences: less grittiness, reduced tooth packing, minimal chalkiness, creamier mouthfeel, and improved overall palatability.
Generic and alternative names
- Avicel® CE Microcrystalline Cellulose and Guar Gum
Microcrystalline cellulose (INCI Name): MCC, cellulose gel
Guar gum: Cyamopsis gum; Galactasol; Guar flour
Claims / benefits / efficacy
- Designed for production of chewable tablets with low friability, rapid disintegration and improved mouthfeel
- Powder flow
- Content uniformity
- Tablet compactibility
- Lubrication tolerance
- Sensory attributes in chewables
- Suspension properties in liquids
- Highly suitable for continuous manufacturing
- Filler
- Diluent
Key applications:
- Direct Compression
- Dry Granulation
- Chewable
Available Grades Particle Size, μm Moisture, % Differentiating Features Avicel® CE-15 75 NMT 8 Improves sensory attributes by reducing grittiness, tooth packing, and friability to create a creamier mouthfeel